$450,000 Springdale Real Estate Home for Sale. $450,000 2bd/2.75ba. in Springdale, Washington

Springdale Real Estate Home for Sale. $450,000 2bd/2.75ba.
Price: $450
Type: Houses for sale
State: Washington  City: Springdale  Category: Houses for sale
Houses for sale in Washington
This ad is older than 2 months.
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Sporting paradise (hobby farm or horse enthusiast setup)! Custom built xxxx sq. ft home on 61.60 acres, bordering on state land. Great hunting & fishing. 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, cathedral ceilings. xxxx sq. ft of deck. Detached 2 car garage. Fenced and cross fenced, streams & pond. xxxx sq. ft caretakers apartment in shop. Hay barn & stables. This magnificent property with its abundant wildlife must be seen to be believed! Seclusion is yours in this gated property off the main road.
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